Brad Browning

Breakup & Divorce Expert
Brad Browning is widely regarded as the world's most trusted breakup experts, boasting over 12 years of experience working with clients from around the world. Brad's #1 best-selling breakup reversal guide, The Ex Factor, has helped more than 130,000 people from 131 countries to re-unite with an ex. Brad is also the author of Mend The Marriage, a comprehensive self-help guide that teaches married couples how to save their dying marriage and prevent divorce. Brad’s YouTube channel has over 400,000 subscribers and 50 million views, and he has been featured in a number of well-known media outlets and industry journals.

All Posts by Brad Browning


What Dating An Avoidant Is Really Like

Whether you're dating an avoidant or just considering it, you need to know the problems that await you. You also need to know about all the benefits.

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men pulling away from her

Why Avoidants Will Always Ghost You

If you've been ghosted by someone with an avoidant attachment style, you know it hurts. But did you know that it's extremely common?

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man hugging and kissing woman

The One Thing An Avoidant Can Never Ask For

If you can provide your avoidant partner with this, they'll be able to open up and connect more deeply. So why can't they ask for it?

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What Fearful Avoidants Are Really Afraid Of

Fearful avoidants struggle with intimacy because of their fears. Here's what you need to know if you're trying to date a fearful avoidant.

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Your Dismissive Ex Misses You If They Do This

Does your dismissive ex miss you or are they over it? It be difficult to tell how they feel but here are the signs that they can't hide.

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Why Your Ex’s Drama Is A Good Sign

If your ex is starting drama after the breakup, it can be very hurtful but the truth is that it's actually going to help you get them back.

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