Comments on: How To Undo Past Mistakes & Win Your Ex Back Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Wed, 21 Dec 2022 17:33:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dom Wed, 21 Dec 2022 17:33:36 +0000 Hey Brad, I’ve known my ex for 6 years. I took her virginity. We have been on and off for that 6 years. I got out of prison a couple years ago and we were talking serious then I went out of state and she ended up having a kid. I went to prison again and she had me live with her n her kid for a month. I kept questioning her about her baby dad and arguing with her while she was at work. When she kicked me out I blew her phone up and handled things horribly. I didn’t talk to her for about a week, and I messaged her yesterday and she said shed never give me another chance. Now I seen your video on that phrase and I’m wondering if it’s to late to go no contact and have her come back ?

By: Brad Browning Tue, 01 Nov 2022 09:24:03 +0000 In reply to Tim.

This really depends. How receptive is your ex to communicating with you and what steps have you taken to try to get her back? Since your situation is unique, I suggest you consider signing up for my coaching program at Talk soon!

By: Tim Mon, 17 Oct 2022 14:45:47 +0000 Ex and I broke things off in May (after 6 yrs) because I didn’t want kids at the time. I’ve changed my mind, but she says it doesn’t feel right, why didn’t I feel this way mos ago, etc. We both still love each other. I reached out once since we last spoke 2 weeks ago just wishing her good luck with something (she responded). Go no contact or is this a different scenario??

By: Brad Browning Sat, 25 Dec 2021 05:29:04 +0000 In reply to Ephraim.

Since it’s been many months, you need to stop begging and learn to focus on your own life first. Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It’s important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til’ the end so you don’t end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:

By: Ephraim Sun, 28 Nov 2021 02:09:40 +0000 I’ve been broken up with her for about 4 months she is also currently talking to another guy and I made the mistake of begging and before that things where going well and we was getting along but now we barely talk we share a dog so we do see each other at lest once a week but she still seems very distant I know she is the one for me and is my wife I’ve made mistakes but I’ll do anything to fix then she is also moving to another city in a month but it’s not far from some of my family so not much of a problem there How do I rebuild that attraction as fast but as easy as possible with out being pushy

By: Babe Tue, 20 Oct 2020 12:52:51 +0000 Hi Brad, my ex always assures me that no matter what he is never coming back because I have hurt him so much (I left him and went back to my ex but he has cheated on me before 2yrs ago) and he is deciding to hold on to the pain as a reminder. He also asked me to let him go and move on with my life on numerous occasions no matter how much I begged and cried but what I find strange is that he always wants to spend time with me, he is always doing me favors and still assists me financially. He tells me he loves and misses me and he never wants to see me suffer, when I need him I should call him. This sends confusion to my hopeful heart. Is there hope of us getting back together ?

By: Brad Browning Sun, 07 Jun 2020 01:18:31 +0000 In reply to Pramita.

This vid is for you: 6 Tips To Get A Stubborn Ex Back

By: Brad Browning Sun, 07 Jun 2020 01:16:59 +0000 In reply to Rob yg.

Sorry to hear. The distance will always be a major culprit. Is this long distance scenario temporary? Because if it isn’t, then it’s good as over. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and

By: Rob yg Mon, 28 Oct 2019 08:11:01 +0000 Hey brad. I messed up with my past relationship. I want to win her back but she’s in a different country. We’re together for almost 3 yrs, 2 of that 3 yrs are shared together and the other year was spent in LDR. We broke just 3 weeks ago and i started the no contact rule just yesterday. The communication lines are still open but i want to really apply the 30 days no contact.
Do i still have the chance of winning her back? Despite the distance apart. Really need help here.

By: Pramita Wed, 09 Oct 2019 17:44:52 +0000 How to rebuild trust of a sturborn angry boyfriend..I said sorry but he didn’t want to listen to any words of mine
