Comments on: Want Your Ex Back? Don’t Send Toxic Texts Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Fri, 02 Oct 2020 12:54:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Browning Mon, 14 Aug 2017 03:12:11 +0000 In reply to Mar.

An email is generally a bad idea, unless that’s your only means of communication with him as of the moment, for whatever reason. For starters, remember to keep your initial message to him as short as possible because you’re basically still testing the waters here and won’t want to overwhelm him with a lengthy message. Hence, texting is a perfect example on how to make this happen. Here’s a vid to help you out: How To Talk To Your Ex Again – Establishing Communication With Your Ex.

By: Mar Wed, 09 Aug 2017 15:35:55 +0000 Hey, imdeciding to write an email to my ex cause we lost contact for 2 months Basically im just gonna tell him how has he been cause i jus thought of him because i rememebred how nice he is and how much of a great and funny friend he is. I cant teally think of any reason i could use or send to him that would about his interests or passions hence i mesaged him. . Then i mntion one of the things im up to. No begging and i love you. Is this a bad idea?

By: Brad Browning Thu, 02 Mar 2017 04:11:56 +0000 In reply to Anna.

Sorry to hear about the breakup, Anna. Instead of telling him “I don’t know” learn to express your feelings more and instead say you’ve been hurt by his words and that you need time to heal. It’s important to communicate and clear any misunderstandings. But if he’s not open to hear it, give it time and employ the 30-day “no contact” rule. This should hopefully let you BOTH clear your heads and realize who may have overreacted. Take care!

By: Anna Wed, 01 Mar 2017 07:19:08 +0000 Hi Brad, I badly need your advice with my situation right now. I had a fight with my ex over the phone just 2 days ago, I tried to explain my side but he didn’t believed me. And then it become worsen because he started to cursed and calling me a bitch. He also thinks that I am dating with another man which is not true. I felt bad for myself, to the point that I even think that maybe he wasn’t really in love with me. Maybe he was just using me to satisfied himself. after a few hours, he apologized and ask to fix our relationship, but my replied was “I don’t know”. I still love him and all but it’s just that I’ve been hurt and insulted because of his words, that is why I said “I don’t know”. And then I got a message from him, and I was shocked because he initiated the break up. His last message says he will never contact me again but he will never change his phone number. What does he mean by that? He also said he wishes me to be happy. And that’s it. Untill now, he’s not contacting me. Seems like he was serious about the break up. I am confused right now. I don’t know what to do. We’ve been together for 2 years and we ended like this.

By: Brad Browning Tue, 22 Mar 2016 10:06:14 +0000 In reply to Jesse.

Hi Jesse, you know what they say about fighting fire with fire? It never leads to anything good. This is why cutting off contact ought to be the first step as this will allow you BOTH to clear your heads instead of letting your emotions take over, okay? Anyway as for now, stop trying to reach out to her. One apology (for the insults) is enough, as long as it’s sincere — then just leave it at that. Give her time to miss you. Since you see her in school, learn some tips here: How to Act Around Your Ex. Whatever you do, be sure not to say or do anything that creates drama, okay? Good luck!

By: Jesse Fri, 18 Mar 2016 19:32:20 +0000 Hey Brad my ex and i have been on an off….. But our last altercation was horrible….. She was getting didtant and i confronted her about it and we started to argue… I lost my cool and cursed her off and threw some of her insecurities in her face… I feel really bad about it so i tried to apologize to her over text bout that just led to another argument and her blocking me on all social media……. I sent her an email but no response… I see her everyday at school but we havent had a conversation in person for almost a month now……. I really like her but idk how to fix this… I think she still likes me deep down but my attitude and what I’ve done wont allow her to show it. ( its a speculation ) im not sure…… Can i or is there any possibility of me fixing it?

By: Brad Browning Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:29:45 +0000 Hello Leonard, you can’t be an ex or rebound at the same time, and especially not in that span of time you gave. It’s either or, never both. 🙂 She may be saying those things to keep you in the friend zone or as a backup plan, which is a bad place to be. It looks like she’s running around and all over the place, you need to help her clear that confusion out, and help yourself too, simply by cutting off contact for a full month first. Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s just going to be an emotional roller coaster ride for you both. Emotions tend to be up and down during the first month of the breakup, so find the strength to cut off contact and stay away for a while, it never hurts. I mean, hey, if she meant what she said and your relationship was significant,, she will likely come around sooner or later, but this is after you cut off contact, okay? Visit my Youtube channel as I have lots of information on there which may help you. Otherwise, get my guide so you’ll know what to do, what not to do and when to do it — timing is everything. Take care!

By: leonard Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:00:02 +0000 Hey brad I talk daily with this girl she still says she loves me and all that,but it confuses me because when ever i try to hang out with her she blows me off. She don’t want me with anyone.But yet she is with these other guys i dont understand why she dont want to be with me,but she dont want me to be with anyone.I just started the 30 day no contact. and i hope it works for me.I just want to know is she trying to make me her rebound? We dated for 8 months and she just dumped me the begining of this month.Can you help me understand what shes trying to do by sending me these messages saying she loves me and all that,But yet she dont want to be with me.Also when she dumped me about two weeks later she wanted to get back together with me and she came over to my house,but then she said we should just be friends and this is where i’m at right now.

By: Brad Browning Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:36:47 +0000 Hi Tim, You can’t take control of who she dates. i.e.: the rebound, so focus on what you can control instead: maintaining your composure and doing all the right things. You’ve ruined your chances by begging or pleading, but it may not be as bad as it seems.The best thing you can do right now is do the right things and not do the wrong ones. Get my Ex Factor Guide and read it everyday so you’ll have a system to follow. Keep up with the positive thoughts of yourself, but also take time to accept the situation, grieve, and heal. This all takes time and cannot be rushed, so be kind to yourself. 🙂 You also want to think things clearly before even considering getting back together if you want your relationship to stand a chance. Good luck!

By: tim Thu, 23 Oct 2014 18:40:47 +0000 Hey brad. So my ex broke up with me 5 months ago and started hanging out with a guy she saI’d was just a friend. I got jealous and we argued but she ended up saying she wants to try again. So we got back together and for 3 months or so it was great. Lots of fun and traveling and doing new things. Out of no where she broke up with me again a month ago and went straight back to her close friend and this time was a little more honest and said they might end up dating. She would try to talk with me to keep me as her friend. I did everything wrong for 3 weeks. Begged pleaded got angry. Everyrhing. Now she doesn’t even want to talk with me. I started no contact 4 days ago. And I’m doing fine. Having fun. And got confidence back. And I’m good looking so alot of dates planned already. I know I can live without her and I would be fine. But we did have something special and I would like to start all over completely. I’ll wait the 30 days and start playing the get her back slowly game. My question is how much damage did I do chasing her for 3 weeks. And any good tips for removing her good friend/rebound from the picture?
