NEVER Text A Man This! (Six Texting Mistakes)
Texting is a huge part of modern dating. It allows you to build a connection at any time of the day no matter where you are. But if you’re not texting him the right way, you’re hurting your chances.
There are several common texting mistakes that many women make that will turn off pretty much any guy and hurt his attraction to them.
1. Sending the last message
Don’t overlook this one. To be polite, women try to be the one to send the final text in the conversation. But sending an irrelevant text to cap off an otherwise fun conversation is a texting mistake. It doesn’t convey anything and it makes you look less valuable, like you’re trying to keep the conversation going despite not having anything to say.
Plus, if you’re not asking a question or responding to something he said then it can seem dismissive.
Wait for a natural break in the conversation where he sends a message that doesn’t need a response and then simply stop texting him. By letting him have the last word you’ve put the ball in your court and you’ve sent the subconscious cue that he needs to chase you rather than you chasing him. This is the setup that most guys are familiar with.
2. Asking him to text you more
“Why aren’t you answering?”
“Hey stranger… ;)”
If you’re sending “I wish you’d text me more” or even “hey stranger”, then you’re making a mistake. No matter how you phrase it, it comes across as needy. This is because you’re asking for something without offering something in return.
Instead, improve your texting and he’ll want to text you more.
I’ve been helping women find and keep men for a long time now and I’ve noticed some powerful differences between the women who get the guys they want and those that stay alone and lonely. Whether they realize it or not, the difference is in the way they text men.
I used this info to develop a free video presentation that will give you deep insight into how the male mind works. It contains powerful text messages that are guaranteed to make him think about you all day long and be begging to see you. All you have to do is copy and paste.
3. Texting too much
The good and bad thing about texting is that it lets you reach him 24/7. If you’re not careful, you can easily overdo it. This can make texting you a chore rather than a treat.
“Just wanted to let you know that you that I made it from the driveway to the front door.”
Before you text him, ask yourself, “is this worth sending?” If the answer is no, then wait for something better to come along. You shouldn’t be wracking your brain for interesting jokes and topics. Those will come naturally with time. Don’t sweat it.
4. Late night texts
“U up?”
If you’re interested in getting serious with a guy then I’d advise you to hold off on the late night texts at first. Early on, a man will try to figure out what exactly you’re looking for without asking. If you’re always hitting him up right before bed then he may think you’re only interested in a booty call. If this is your goal, text ahead but if not, keep it to daylight hours to avoid things getting too steamy before you’re ready.
5. Being negative
“I just don’t know what we’re doing sometimes…”
It is important that you’re able to air grievances, explain your feelings, and work towards compromise with your guy but you should never do this over text. These kinds of conversations work best face to face. It is hard to get across tone of voice in text messages especially when expressing bad feelings. This makes texting the wrong choice because it can seem accusatory.
The same thing goes for dumping all your problems on him. Keep this to a minimum over text. He’ll be better able to make you feel better in person anyway.
6. Not texting back for days
Most people know that responding to a text within seconds can look desperate. But some girls take this to the extreme, not responding to him for hours or even days in an attempt to seem casual, hard to get, or independent.
This will backfire for several reasons. It makes you look immature and uninterested. It can make him think that it’s okay to ignore you for just as long and then pretty soon he’s more of a pen pal than a boyfriend.
Or, worst of all, he might see right through you and realize that you’re playing games with him.
So be reasonable about responding to texts. It’s okay if you’re at work or otherwise occupied but if you really can’t find a moment to text back in 24 hours, you may be too busy for dating.
“Sorry I had to pop down to Peru for a quick sec, no service.”
Now that we’ve covered how not to text, what should you be texting him?
Texting is not a replacement for face to face conversations so don’t treat it the same way.
The best texts invite a short conversation and are flirty, fun and interesting.
I think sending pictures and emojis is a great way to keep things exciting as this is a way to communicate that you can’t use face to face (unless you bust out a photo album).
Otherwise, think about when you text other people in your life and the texts you love to get. Chances are, you do it when you have something to say or hear some news that they’d be interested in.
They’re not random thoughts that you could be sending to anybody in your contacts. Keep this same approach here.
If you send him messages about things that are related to past conversations and his interests then he’ll know you’re a good listener. If you text him about something that just happened then it’s never going to seem like you’ve been agonizing over it, crafting the perfect text to get his attention. It’s casual and personal at the same time.
Need texting inspiration?
Texting doesn’t come naturally to many of us. I’ve got you covered with text message templates that are proven to work on any man. You can use these texts right away and they’ll make him jump to message you back. He’ll be thinking about you all day long.