Online Dating Advice For Men
For women, online dating is like picking low-hanging fruit off a tree – it’s bloody, darn easy if you set your sights relatively low.
However, for men, it’s a completely different ballgame. In fact, the vast majority of men who try setting up a profile at E-Harmony or Plenty of Fish give up within the first few weeks of online dating!
If you’re a guy having a hard time getting attractive women to reply to your messages, then you should probably take a few minutes to check out these online dating tips that are proven to give your dating experience a huge boost (even if you’re a seasoned, online dating vet!).
Your Dating Profile
This is an area that a lot of guys completely ignore. Remember, when you message a woman, she is going to check out your profile before deciding to message you back. In many ways, your profile is just as important as what you say in the actual message.
This is an example of a douchebag. This = chick repellent.
So what makes a good profile? A few things, but having great pictures is a big one. In other words, you can’t have pictures like this guy on the right here …
Do you know what women think when they see a picture like that? Two words: Douche Bag. That means no topless mirror pictures that are shot from your crappy old iPhone. And, this may go without saying, that also means no “duck face” as well.
Photos That Work
So what pictures help you look like an attractive male? There are a ton of different types of pictures that you can use to convey sexual value, but one of the best kinds of pictures that you can use is what I like to call “Social Proofing Pictures.” That means having a picture with you and a bunch of your friends having a good time.
See, a big problem women have with guys online is that they come off as “creepy.” There is definitely no shortage of guys out there that give off that good old “Jack The Ripper” look.
Hint: Women aren’t attracted to the idea of getting murdered. So one of the best ways to give off a much less “creepy” vibe is to prove to women that you have friends. The more friends, the better. And here’s the kicker, it’s even more effective if you have pictures of you with your hot chick friends.
No, don’t have pictures of you tongue wrestling them or take a shot of tequila off their belly buttons, but just have normal, smiling pictures of yourself with a bunch of beautiful people. Oh, and make sure you’re wearing nice clothes, but I guess that’s for a completely different article completely.
What To Send That Beautiful Lady on Match.Com
What you message a girl is just as important as your online dating profile.
“Wow, you’re so hot, I want you so badly … message me back, please!”
“Can I take you out on a date? I’ll buy!”
What do these messages have in common? You’re right. They completely suck.
Those are what I like to call Pitiful Messages. Do you know what those messages are actually saying to beautiful women? They’re saying:
“I am a completely worthless, low quality guy who doesn’t know how to really please women. I’m just pathetic. Don’t message me back, and if you do message me back, just do it out of pity. I also suck really badly in bed.”
That’s what women really get out of those Pitiful Messages.
So you’ve got to put more effort into not only compelling her to actually open your message and read, but to actually message you back as well. Those Pitiful Messages don’t do anything but make women hit the “delete” button, only to never be seen again.
Read Their Profile — All Of It!
Want a woman to get back to you? Well then put in the time and effort. Take a look at their profile and see what their interests are. Then use that material in your message to them.
For example, say you’re cruising and you come across a pretty lady that says Shakespeare plays are a great interest to her.
Instead of saying, “What’s up?” say something like, “Good taste. My favorite’s Macbeth. Killing a king is never a good idea, don’t you think?”
This girl totally wants to get picked up … by you!
See how this message differs from what 99 percent of men send on online dating websites? By reading a woman’s profile, you’ll be able to accrue enough information to make her want to message you back.
These are just a few tips that you can use to sky rocket your online dating campaign, but there are tons of other things you can do to turn your computer into a chick-reeling machine!
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