How To Text A Girl (And Turn Her On!)
It’s no secret that most women just love texting. In fact, women look at “reading and writing” in a completely different way.
You know that new book series called “50 Shades of Grey”? Of course you do. It’s porn for women.
But why is that? Why do women get more turned on by sexy novels than guys do? (No offence if you’re a guy that loves “50 Shades of Grey”).
Women Are More Emotion-Based
Answered simply, it’s because men are more driven sexually by physical appearance where as women are driven sexually by emotions and ideas.
There is nothing more sexually arousing for a man than a hot, naked woman. That’s all a man needs to get going!
For a woman though? What if she sees a naked guy completely naked? Is it automatically a go then? I bet you it isn’t.
Women are no more turned on by a visual of this naked man than you are reading about an awkward sex scene in “50 Shades of Grey”.
Us guys – we just aren’t tuned that way. That doesn’t get us going. If it were so easy for a guy to turn on a woman in this way, then all we’d have to do is just flash a few hot girls and eventually one of them would want to go down on you.
We just can’t do that! But you know what we can do? We can text message.
Texting Is Her Naked Man
Yes, texting is an incredibly easy (and fun) way to pick up a hot girl. Through just a few taps on a button, you can unleash her imagination. You can turn her on without you even having to be there. And the next time she sees you? She’ll be ready for you to rip her clothes off and do her any way you want.
So what’s the first text messaging tip here?
- Ask her what her dreams are. Remember, we first want to evoke a positive response in her. We want her to think about amazing things. Essentially, we want to raise her emotional level so much that she’ll want to talk to you. And making her want to talk to you is the first step.
- Make her prove herself to you. After you ask her what her dreams are, then ask her what she’s doing to obtain those dreams. She’s for sure want to say her plan.
- Tell her something that will help her. When you seduce a girl, you’re going to have to let her know that you’re on her side. It’s all about being a team, right? So you need to express to her what her dreams are and let her know that you’re there to make them happen.
- Flirt. Yes, flirting over text is a little different than flirting in real life. So you’re going to have play it a little differently.
So there you have it, a few great tips to get a conversation going through text.
Good luck and I hope this article will help you land your next love interest!