7 Tips On Texting A Girl You Like (And Get Her To Hang Out)
So you got her number and you’re happy. You’re stoked, even. In fact, you’re so excited that you grab for your phone, text her name in, and then pause …
You pause because you have no idea to what to say. And you really, really don’t want to blow this one since you do really like her. But what do you say?
Texting Is a Different Ballgame
Don’t text like this, dude.
First of all, let me tell you that if you think you’re good with women, it doesn’t mean crap in the texting world.
You could be the smoothest playa ever and just suck at knowing what to text a girl. Why? Well, there’s a couple reasons. First of all, in real life, when you’re interacting with a girl, you have the ability to touch a girl. If you’re any good at knowing how to pick up a girl or turn her on, then you’ll know that this is absolutely crucial.
And secondly, trying to woo a girl over the phone is completely different as well — over the phone, you have the luxury of conveying emotions in your voice.
Thirdly, your game has to be concise. Text messages are short, and long text messages just don’t work if you’ve just met a girl. You don’t want to be conveying too much interest just yet.
Despite these limitations, there are a few advantages. For one, women love text messaging. If you’re wondering what to text that girl you like and you somehow mess up a little, don’t worry because women just love to text, period.
It’s like it’s ingrained in their DNA. Secondly, you also have the luxury of time on your side. If you aren’t the smoothest talker in the world, then you will at least have an abundance of time in between messages to think about a witty, fun or humorous message.
Finally, you can easily control the pace of the conversation. This will be very useful later on.
Okay, so rule number one of how to text a girl you like:
1. Choose the Correct Time to Text Her!
Remember, only text her at night for now. Why? The reasons for this are pretty simple. Night time is just a chiller, quieter time for her to hunker down and concentrate more on your guys’ conversation. If she has a job or is in school, the day time is absolutely the worst time to text her. There is no way you’ll get her sufficiently turned on and interested in you.
So make sure you pick a time when you know she’s going to have time to chill and talk to you.
2. Keep It Chill and Don’t Text Too Much
For now. Don’t reply right away. Once you do text her, make sure that you’re controlling the pace of the conversation. If you’re texting back too quickly or texting too much, you’ll be showing her too much interest. Remember, you’ll want to keep the chase alive, so only send short, concise, but brutally interesting text messages. That will keep her going.
3. Make Sure You Have a Very Good Reason to Text Her
You’ve got to learn what to text a girl you like…before you text her!
Don’t text her just to say hi. Don’t text her something simple like “what’s up?” Girls get boring text messages like this all the time. Unless your goal is to make sure that she doesn’t give a crap about you ever, then feel free to send what I call these “passive text messages.”
These are just a waste of time. While they probably won’t hurt you too much, they won’t do you any good either.
So when you first text message her, you’ve got to make sure it’s for a very good reason. And, of course, it needs to be interesting and inspire her emotion.
Hey, you know the movie The Hangover? You remind me of that baby they haul around all day …
Or …
My pet cat has this little whine she does when she’s tired. For some reason, it reminds me of you!
See what I mean here? You’re texting her something of substance. Something that makes her want to respond to you.
4. First Off, Tease Her
This girl will love you if you text her the right way!
If you really want to stand out to her, then you’ve really got to turn up the tease-meter. Call her something funny — give her a cute nickname and don’t tell her why you call her that.
Make fun of her. Be a little annoying. In fact, treat her like a little sister for now. This is a fun way to get her attention and make her attracted to you.
5. Don’t Act Like a 5-Year-Old
A lot of guys have a real problem with this. If you aren’t spell checking and making sure you use the proper punctuation, then you have to start doing this. Remember, being an alpha male is all about being an intelligent, strong guy. You aren’t going to show much intelligence if every single word you spell is wrong.
At the same time, however, you’re going to want to use some emoticons to spice up your texting. So remember to add the proper amount of smiley faces to your text when it seems appropriate.
6. Add a Little 50 Shades of Grey
Sometimes, if she’s showing enough interest, you gotta turn up the heat and turn her on. Don’t be afraid to turn of the sexiness a bit.
Say something like…
“So you’re in bed right now? Don’t you wish you had a cute guy to cuddle up to tonight?”
Remember, you have to send these texts when you know she already sort of digs you.
7. End Your Text With Something Warm and Fuzzy
Remember, it can’t just all be fun and sex. You’ve got to add some emotional component to it. After all, you want her feel like she’s becoming romantically attached to you. So you’ll want to end your interaction with something genuinely loving and positive.
Something like, “You know what? I really love talking to you. You’re fun. I hope you have a great night, talk soon.”
This will make her feel like she’s winning you over. Also, by doing this, you’re rewarding her for interacting with you. The next time you text, she’ll want to text you back because she knows she can win you over again!
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