Comments on: 5 Signs It’s Time to End the Marriage Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Thu, 23 Jul 2020 22:10:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Browning Tue, 28 Nov 2017 07:55:07 +0000 In reply to James K.lackey.

Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Take time to heal, man. Time is your best ally here, okay? And of course, the decision to whether or not get an ex back is completely up to you. You’re the one who knows your ex, your relationship, and especially your feelings about all this in the first place. Who am I to say otherwise? 🙂

By: James K.lackey Thu, 23 Nov 2017 03:21:26 +0000 I miss my family so much I dont no if I still won’t to do this walk alone in life, there has been so many thing done sence the separation there’s no way we could forgive each outer she has already found a new guy and the taunting is almost more than my heart can take!!! I have ask her to please stop but there is no end each day there seems to be something new to try and push me over the edge.. Can’t take no more she has broke me mentally to the piont I can ,dont won’t to feel this !!!need help and can’t figure out all the people and how they are tied together in this helping her….she has had a hacker put a blog up and Google can verify that all the content up there is not mine, they had jumped around to different sites and put on the blog now the county I live I the people look at me in discount and laugh.. I ask what’s going on and they have nothing to say..I got a feeling the blog would answers that but I’m scared to look at I just dont understand how or the reasoning she wonts to destroy me or put me over the edge…guess I need to look at but I dont won’t to.. I’ve seen naked pictures of her ,they have left pants I have bought her, the latest and greatest is the one of Randell holding my son I haven’t seen in three months at the lake they look like they had a great time.. Dont and can’t do this no more she has hurt me to the point of I will never be the same ,dont no even if I wontcto , shit I hurt!!!!
