Comments on: “Why Does My Partner Get Angry When I Ask Who He’s Texting?” Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Fri, 10 Jul 2020 07:21:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ally Sat, 21 Jul 2018 05:04:02 +0000 My boyfriend and I have been together 12 years and have a 2 year old daughter. I know, why are we not married!? To us marriage is just a certificate to financially bond us. We have been committed emotionally with our ups and downs . Unfortunately, we have had our unfaithful time him more than I. Due to that I do have some trust issues. He goes through these phases where he feels I’m interrogating him with simple questions of where are you going, who are you with or when will you be home. Like I said, he doesn’t ALWAYS get defensive. Other times he even just tells me what his day will consist of. Not lately again and I can’t help but think the worse. Before our daughter, hes had a record of having a new “friend” every 6 months or year and he does his same routine of being super defensive. It’s been 2 years that he’s been this defensive and holding his ground of I’m being disrespectful for asking him these questions. We recently moved to another city away from my family and I have voiced that if there are any suspicions or proof of any new friends again I will automatically pack my things and leave. It’s not reoccurring but I don’t have proof just a vibe and don’t know what to do.

By: Brad Browning Mon, 16 Feb 2015 06:10:46 +0000 In reply to bob.

The only thing which can possibly settle this latest fiasco is space. You need to cut off communication so she’ll get to clear her head and somehow forget about that incident. I suggest to stay strong and not to any more crazy stuff, okay? I don’t know your entire situation, so I’m in no position at this point to judge. You can’t undo the past, but you can decide for yourself to do the right things. Read my Ex Factor Guide so you won’t be all over the place, and actually have some pointers on how to go bout getting her back. Good luck!

By: bob Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:01:43 +0000 So, my ex girlfriend moved on to another guy. shit. I played it cool with her and said well im happy for you and was totally ok with it. I made one mistake that I couldn’t control . I asked a girl who knew her new boyfriend what kind of a guy he was? she told me he was a good guy. I said cool, im just want to make sure he treats her well. .. bad mistake, women talk. my ex texts me a week later saying shes pissed a asked that girl about her new boyfriend and she doesn’t need me to ask if he treats her well and its her life and my judgement. … wow I m not even mad shes dating cuz I know its a rebound but how to do you un do that? I sent her and email a week later saying hey thanks for everything and I learned a lot from our relationship and hope down the road we can be friends and hope all is well. .. Im on day 2 of no contact. .. do I have a chance?
