Comments on: 5 Things People Do That Sabotage Relationships & Cause Breakups Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Fri, 10 Jul 2020 07:25:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Browning Mon, 09 Mar 2015 03:28:33 +0000 In reply to Yvonne.

Hi Yvonne, sorry to hear that. Yes, I had posted that video, but as I’ve said, it’s enough reason to stay away and cut off communication for a while. You see, him having feelings for you/liking you/not ready to lose you completely and him wanting to be in a relationship with you are two separate things– and this is why you should definitely cut off contact when he’s already in a relationship with someone else, so he’ll get to think clearly. He won’t be able to do that unless you stay away and go do your own thing for a while. There is no guarantee he will want to be in an exclusive relationship with you (this is something outside your control) but you can do the right things to make it happen somehow. So again, let him feel what it’s like not to have you in his life; physical attraction and emotional attraction are different. I don’t know your full story, so sign up for my coaching program so I would know more about it and look at all the other factors at play, then guide you on a regular basis, but chances are, if there’s physical attraction but no emotional attraction, then he’s taking you for granted. Take care now and focus on yourself for a bit, okay? 🙂

By: Yvonne Sat, 07 Mar 2015 04:01:20 +0000 Hey Brad. My boyfriend just broke up with me using the reason that he lost his feelings for me. We had known each other for a long time and was having casual sex for awhile before he got into a relationship with another girl.We remained as bestfriends throughout his relationship and even after they broke up. Months after his breakup, he started chasing me and taking me out. He chased me for a year before we got together and we broke up after slightly less than 2 months. He told me that he doesn’t have any feelings for me anymore and would want to remain as bestfriends. I have rejected him once before but he still came back to me, which made me think that he really loved me. But that doesn’t seem to be the case right now as he likes someone else now and im the one initiating all our messages and he replies really slowly. I don’t know of my broken heart is the reason for this, but I don’t want to lose him permanently I still want him in my life. I have been watching your videos and one suggested that if he still wants to be friends means that he isn’t ready to lose me yet, does that means that I still have a chance of winning him back? And im not sure if I should try the no contact rule because currently he only contacts the girl he likes and his close friends. Im scared of scaring him away if I seem too desperate but I also don’t want to cut him off completely. Im in such a dilemma right now. It would help me alot if you could give me some suggestions. Thank you so much and keep up the good job with all the videos because many people will benefit from it
