Comments on: Why Do Men Pull Away and Lose Interest? Relationships, breakups, and dating guidance from the experts Fri, 02 Oct 2020 12:54:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christine Wed, 30 Oct 2019 14:58:12 +0000 In reply to Jenny.

I totally know how you feel, I’ve been dealing with exactly the same thing for past couple years. we’ve been together 28 years, not that they’ve all been good, but had finally bought a house but that’s when things got worse, he ended up getting involved with a girl that he worked with, did end up moving out for a few months, came back thought maybe wanted to try, but my insecurities from the cheating ended up pushing him away again so he did leave again for few more months but that time he’d be here almost every single day after work & stay till lik e 8-10pm then started spending few nights once in awhile then finally came back again so again I had thought or hoped he wanted to give us a chance, but once again said no & at this time he wanted to be in NO relationship with anyone! I took personally as didn’t want a relationship with me! so of course once again I made it worse made him feel suffocated, pushing him further away! all I started doing was trying to convince him to give us a chance but he kept saying in order for us to have something new we needed to end this not so good relationship so can maybe have something good! I always agreed then my emotions would get the best of me scared I was going to lose him forever so started doing all the things he did not like or want again pushed him even further away. Now the anger, & hurt is quite intense for both of us, believe he’s gonna go stay with his mom? & I do know that it’s probably the BEST thing for us but that FEAR of losing him is so real I get myself stuck where I can almost not move forward even though I’ve been trying to work & find myself, after being a stay at home mom, I truly lost me! Now is my time as kids are older now so I need to find out who I am again if I ever want any relationship or to feel that I am a strong woman!! going to do what I need for me as hard as it feels right now but do need & deserve it for myself & children, grandkids…

By: mccart Fri, 05 Jul 2019 18:37:08 +0000 In reply to Jenny.

it so painful so see your husband go through this

By: Milissa Mon, 06 May 2019 00:33:25 +0000 In reply to Jenny.

So my bf n i have been together for 7 months n he is the probably in our relationship but he an i are sexually active and im alwaya there for him when he needs me same for me he does but he told a guy that we are sexually and we agreed to not talk to other about that because thats private so wgen i find out by my friend and i ask my partner why he did that he just lies saying he never said that than says i said it because i needed a new start bc he’s going through alot but than i say whats does that got to do with you telling people that we are sexually active n had sex 3 times bragging okay i get it a guy wants to brag but we talked about it n i felt like he was trying to make me look like a hoe so i get more mad because he lied to me than he says he only said that to a guy bc the guy told him me and my friend had done things together which i talk about to my partner about and tells him its a lie ..n he askes for a break and my first thought is that he wants to break up so i play it cool because he was trying to bluff me to scare me than he says ge loves me and all that i hang up and block him on everything bc he wants a break..he told me the next morning that he tried to text me but found out he was blocked so i told him you are the one who wanted a break ..he tells me he doesnt want a break aby more and that he is sorry but i say no you still having a break to show that im not just gone let all you did slide and that imma stand my ground and he will never ask for a break again ..and i also think he probably wanted a break to talk to another girl bc it wouldnt make sense why he wants a break…but i dont to break up but i wont beg and i wont show that im scared to break up bc than he thinks he can play me and be in control of things like i said break up with me if u want i wont beg and hes begging for me to take the break off ..btw we are still dating just not talking to each other. N he seems so hopeless with out me by he’s side and he shows it so what should i do and i foing this right to save our relationship bc i dont wanna break up or should i just cut him loose and do i have to pay money for this little help if so dont comment back on it to me thank you tho if you help me

By: Jenny Fri, 27 Jul 2018 18:20:43 +0000 My husband over the past 5 or more years has got more obsessed with the company of other women and needs to communicate secretly with them by text and calling them. He has had affairs with some of them as well. He won’t talk to me about why he needs them to talk to nor tells me what they talk about. I ask why he won’t talk to me and why he needs other women’s company. His response is I don’t know. I ask him what does he get from them that he doesn’t get from me. He won’t answer. We have known one another all our lives and been married for 34 years.
